02 Nov Employee Spotlight: Judah Whitman
Judah Whitman
Began working at Blessings International:
July 2021
Warehouse Associate
If you had to compare yourself to a TV-show or movie character, who would you be, and why?
It is hard for me to answer this myself so I had to ask some of my friends to answer this for me.
One of my friends said I remind them of a character from Brooklyn Nine-Nine named Charles Boyle because he’s a good worker, is a people pleaser, would take a bullet for a friend and loved ones, loves the flair for the dramatic, is a loyal friend, is a bit of a jokester, and sometimes gets into mischief.
Another friend said I remind them of Luther from the TV show called Coach because of my love of food and my unintentional humor when I’m trying to to be funny but end up saying something funny anyways.
Describe the part you play at Blessings:
After the orders are finalized with the customer, they are placed in a bin ready to be pulled, packed, and shipped. I then pull what is needed for the order. Once I’ve pulled everything, I then pack the order and ship it out the door.
I feel the part I’m playing is important because I am helping pack and send hope and healing to a hurting world.
What is your favorite aspect of your job?
The people I get to work with on a daily basis is by far my favorite part of the job. The work environment and community at Blessings makes my job much more enjoyable and I love working with like-minded people who love Jesus just like I do.
Where have you served in a missional capacity?
Israel in 2012. I also went on a missions trip to Mexicali, Costa Rica, Hungary, and Malta all in the summer of 2019
In Mexicali, I ministered to a men’s drug rehab facility and shared the gospel there, ministered to a group of homeless people, worked and ministered to some youth there, and met with pastors and leaders.
In Costa Rica, we ministered in a church in the mountains and put on a ministry workshop. We helped set up a church plant, ministered to children using skits and dramatic performances, and ministered in multiple drug rehab facilities.
In Malta, we helped put on a youth conference for teens and young adults, ministered in churches, and did a lot of street evangelism.
In Hungary, we met with pastors and leaders for discipleship training.
Where/How would you like to serve in the future?
I have a desire and calling to be in full-time ministry and to someday be pastoring and serving the Lord wherever, whenever, and however He sends me. I also have a desire and passion to do more mission work in Europe and Central Asia and I want to work with pastors in those areas to preach the gospel, plant churches, make disciples, and disciple all believers. My sole desire is to be used by the Lord and share the gospel with anyone who needs it.
What was your last staff devotional about?
My last devotion was over Ephesians 4:29-32 and how our words need to be edifying the body of Christ and not using our words for tearing one another down. As Christians, we help build the body of Christ by building one another up.
What is your best memory here at Blessings?
I don’t have one specific favorite memory, but I really enjoy all the good moments, all the laughs, and all the jokes my coworkers and I have. There are a lot.

Some friendly competition. Judah staring down Jean during a game of corn hole.

In the shipping bay.

Judah speaking at a church in Malta.
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