100% of Donations Helps the Hurting

100% of Donations Helps the Hurting

We don't rely on donations for operations, salaries, or anything
but the purpose for which they were given.
100% Essential

100% Essential

Each fund is designed to place medicines into
the hands of those who need it most.
100% personal

100% Personal

Your donation will be processed according to your wishes
and will help countless people in need.
100% Your Choice

100% Your Choice

You choose how and where
you most want to give.
100% Flexible

100% Flexible

Donate as often as you'd like
or set up recurring giving
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100% of every donated dollar helps the hurting locally and globally.


Blessings receives donations solely for the purpose of donating pharmaceuticals, vitamins, and medical supplies

to those in need, not to fund our own operations.


You can stand by this promise as you help to heal the hurting, build healthy communities, and transform lives!

Each Fund is More than a Cause;

It’s the difference between life and death

Medicines for Nations Fund (General)
Malaria Fund
USA Fund
Emergency Disaster Relief Fund
Medicines for Orphans Fund
Bless the Nations Fund
USA COVID-19 Relief Fund
Medicines for Nations Fund (General)

Medicines for Nations Fund (General)

Malaria Fund

Malaria Fund

USA Fund

USA Fund

Emergency Disaster Relief Fund

Emergency Disaster Relief Fund

Medicines for Orphans Fund

Medicines for Orphans Fund

Bless the Nations Fund

Bless the Nations Fund

USA COVID-19 Relief Fund

USA COVID-19 Relief Fund



Many companies around the USA offer programs to enable their employees to give directly via payroll deductions. A number of these companies even match their employee’s donations! Giving to Blessings International directly through your employer is an easy way to give to the needy and hurting around the world. Your company’s human resources department may have more information about how to initiate the matching gift.


We are included in a number of campaigns run by state and local governments through the Creating Healthier Communities (CHC) and the Neighbor to Nation Federations. Look for us in your campaign’s charity directory. You may also write in Blessings International (EIN 73-1130590) as the designated charity of your choice if your United Way campaign does not list us in the charity directory.

Medicines for Nations

Some give. We supply. Many go. Nations are touched with God’s love.


If the Medicines for Nations fund were a pocket, it would be the one we draw from the most to heal the hurting, build healthy communities, and transform lives in Jesus’ name.


There’s no limit to the way this fund impacts the lives of individuals around the world. What begins as a donation can soon look like a recurring clinic in an African village few people access. Or a life-saving surgery for a mother in Nicaragua. Or a whole family in Nepal coming to know Jesus because of the love shown them by a medical team.

The entirety of the amount you donate is given in the form of medicines, vitamins, and supplies to medical missions, which means 100% of your gift goes from your hands and into the hands of those needing medical care.

Malaria Medicine Fund


100% of your gift will go towards providing free medicine.


Malaria is one of the world’s deadliest diseases, killing close to half a million lives annually. Most of its victims are young children and pregnant women. It is also a treatable disease if the right medication is available.


You can be part of Blessings International’s fight against malaria. Our goal is to equip every medical mission team with FREE anti-malarial medicine to treat and prevent this disease. We offer this every April and May in honor of World Malaria Day on April 25th.

By donating to our Malaria fund, you’re helping people like Fabienne, a Haitian nurse who contracted malaria while working with a medical team. “It was one of the worst illnesses I ever had!” she said. Because Fabienne received malaria medicine from Blessings International, she made a full recovery.


100% of every dollar given will go towards providing free anti-malarial medicine to those in need. With your help, we will be one step closer to eradicating malaria.

United States Fund


People who need medical help live in every town in the United States.


Some are victims of local disasters needing immediate emergency care. Others fight chronic medical issues with no money left over for medical bills. Still others have only recently fallen into hard economic times and find themselves in temporary need of medical attention.


No matter the situation, your donation supplies even more medicines to those receiving the love and caring treatment administered by free medical clinics and pregnancy resource centers.

Every dollar given to the USA Fund goes directly to providing medicines to local disaster relief efforts or clinics throughout the United States like St. Vincent de Paul in Dallas, TX.


Volunteer Hank Hermann at St. Vincent says, “Blessings International is an important reason that we are privileged to provide the dignity of access to health-sustaining, prescription medications to those needing them, but unable to afford them.”

Emergency Disaster Relief Fund 

Disasters can occur at any moment, in any part of the world.


To learn how we are providing relief for the Ukraine crisis and how you can help, please click here.

When catastrophes strike, Blessings International stands ready to help by supplying emergency medical relief teams with the pharmaceuticals and medical supplies they need to save lives. Blessings is able to provide these medicines free of charge through our Emergency Disaster Relief fund.


Donations provided over $22,000 worth of aid after events such as Hurricane Iota & Eta in several parts of Central America in November 2020; the St. Vincent and Grenadine volcano eruptions that affected Barbados, Grenada, and Saint Lucia in April 2021; and the Haiti earthquake in August 2021.

Would you please consider giving to this fund so that we can help even more groups that are traveling to these devastated areas?


Thank you for helping Blessings provide emergency, life-saving support to disaster victims around the world.

Medicines for Orphans Fund

In January 2016, Blessings launched a special program just for orphans in Haiti, the Haitian Orphanage Medical Support (HOMS).



Orphanages often struggle just to pay for food, clothing, and shelter. Often after those basic needs are covered, they have little money left over to cover medical costs. That’s why Blessings has set up the Medicines for Orphans fund. Donations made to this fund will be used to give medicines to orphans all over the world.


One project MFO fund supports is the Haitian Orphanage Medical Support (HOMS) Project. This $45,000-per-year project pays the cost of a nurse, two staff members, and a vehicle to regularly travel to nineteen orphanages. The HOMS team provides medical care and medicines for 930 orphans and health education to the orphanage leaders.

The Medicines for Orphans fund also helps provide medicine to children in other parts of the world. The number of orphans around the globe is staggering: 153 million children worldwide are orphans. (That’s nearly half the population of the USA!) Of those, 17.9 million were orphaned because of AIDS. Most of those live in Sub-Saharan Africa, where, according to UNICEF, one in nine of all children die before age five.


You can help these motherless and fatherless children survive by giving to Blessings’ Medicines for Orphans fund.


Watch HOMS video

 Bless the Nations Fund



This fund was established in the summer of 2013 to provide gifts of pharmaceuticals and medical supplies primarily to indigenous organizations in need of medical assistance.


A subcommittee of Blessings’ Board of Trustees oversees this fund. Each year, the committee identifies deserving organizations and ministries that are healing the hurting, building healthy communities, and transforming lives around the world.


The Bless the Nations fund provides in-kind grants of medicines and supplies in $10,000, $15,000, or $20,000 increments.

In fiscal year 2021, a grant was given to both Clinica Esperanza on the island of Roatán, Honduras, and Ghanta United Methodist Hospital in Liberia. This provided much-needed medicines to almost 29,500 patients.


Begin the application process by downloading the

1. Cover letter and explanation
2. Bless the Nations Fund application




Supplying PPE and crucial medicines for American charitable clinics helping those affected financially by the COVID-19 pandemic.


In the financial wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, many Americans are unable to afford health insurance, and so they turn to charitable clinics who can help them with healthcare and essential prescriptions.


In Iowa, Cecilia Redmond-Norris at Iowa City Free Medical Clinic relays gratitude for the help provided by Blessings, especially with their recent increased demand for albuterol inhalers. “For some of our patients, being able to receive one inhaler means that they can purchase groceries for over a week.”

Your donation to the USA COVID-19 fund bestows donations of crucial medicines, supplies, and PPE to charitable clinics so they can help everyday Americans in their hour of need.