We have a large variety of products which are nearing their beyond-use dates within the next 2-5 months. Unless we can move these items from our warehouse to those who need them, they will have to be destroyed. To help others with these short-dated items, we’re offering a 50% discount off our original price.


All 50%-off items are eligible for free shipping within the United States. Most items are available for use within the United States, and all products can be distributed internationally.


IMPORTANT: To receive the 50% discount, when you place your order in myBlessings, please use the code “SHORT” in the “Purchase Order #” field at checkout.
Catalog button - preview

When purchasing short-dated items, please carefully note the beyond-use dates, as sales of these items are final.


For more information or for inquiries, please email info@blessings.flywheelstaging.com or call 918-250-8101.